Gioia Albano

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Added May 13, 2019

The "containers"

Do you know the feeling when you want to get rid of something ? Get rid of a behavior that for you it is a problem, a toxic person in your life, an obsessive thought, a heavy memory, others (fill de dots) ......?
It is in this state of mind that I started this painting (still in progress by the way ).
It started with jet-written sentences scribbled on pieces of paper.
A title that turns me constantly in the head since I work on it and maybe even before it is "The containers" ("The containers")
For this painting in particular but I think it could be also a collection's title.
One thing in common with "sketches" is that here too there is some recycling. In fact I work on the back of a canvas that has remained long time in a corner of the workshop.
To be continued ;-)

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